How long will my first session take?
The first session is 1.5 hours. There’s some initial talking, an explanation of how the session will be conducted and how Kinesiology assists the brain and body to optimize its ability to recuperate from mental, emotional and physical stress.
What should I wear?
If you have physical pain in your body, it’s best to wear loose fitting pants and a top in case Bowen Therapy is required. Bowen Therapy is gentle bodywork to reduce the pain of physical imbalances. Sometimes, Bowen Therapy tests up as an appropriate correction to assist the body to integrate or enhance the changes made in the session.
When will I see results?
Depending on what’s been addressed in the session, most clients report instant improvement in how they feel emotionally, energetically and sometimes physically. As the changes sometimes need to be “experienced”, like noticing you don’t react strongly to something that’s been an issue in the past, or responding differently to a situation, the full benefits may take more time to be consciously “noticed”. The clients body will usually indicate the approximate time needed to feel the shift.
How will I feel after a session?
Most clients report feeling “lighter”, “clearer”, “calmer”, “peaceful” or happier straight after the session. Occasionally, a client will say they feel tired, energized, or just “different” and they can’t pinpoint how. This is due to the many changes made in the subconscious mind during a session.
How often will I need a session?
The number of sessions required depends on the level of stress, the length of time the client has been “coping” with the issue and what they would like to achieve. For example, a client who had experienced extreme trauma and rape as a first sexual experience was addressed in one session. However, once the client realized what Kinesiology was able to achieve, the client chose to have occasional sessions to assist with managing stressors as they arose.
How long in between ongoing sessions?
As Kinesiology covers many areas associated with a known stress, some time is needed for the brain and body to integrate the changes. At the end of a session, Synara will muscle test when the next most appropriate time would be for more Kinesiology. Depending on the client’s personal needs 3 weeks to 3 months often tests up, however, the client can book a session whenever they choose.
Do you do distance healing?
Yes, this is an option. Through surrogate muscle testing, it will be identified if a long-distance session would be effective and or appropriate for the client. 15-minute, 30- minute or long distance sessions can be booked. Please read my page on Energy Healing.
Can you help my child?
Over the years I’ve helped many children with behavioural issues, food intolerances, fears, separation anxiety, social and learning issues. I even had a child who was continually breaking bones more frequently than the usual active child. A single Kinesiology session identified several contributing factors, which have since been balanced, supporting stronger bones and to date, no further breakages.
Does my child need to be present during a surrogate session?
For very young children, the mother or father can sometimes be used as a surrogate (the parent’s body is used for muscle testing while the child receives the results). If the child is needed to be present, parents can bring iPads etc, to entertain them. Please sms Synara beforehand to check what’s most appropriate.
How long is a child’s session?
Often children require shorter sessions. Synara will muscle test to identify when the child has received what’s most appropriate. The session will be priced accordingly. Please see fees and charges tab on website.
If you are looking to change something in your life – If you feel that something holds you back from being happy or finding balance in your relationships – If you want to know yourself better and find your path in life, then I would highly recommend trying kinesiology.
As a practicing Naturopath/Kinesiologist myself, I can truly appreciate Synara’s expertise. Her knowledge, experience and passion for her work are a powerful combination for facilitating profound, immediate and lasting change for her clients. Synara’s intuition and compassion, is an added bonus and enables her to offer relief, insight and healing from anywhere in the world.
Synara’s gentle yet powerful sessions have not only helped me but my two children and my husband too! From emotional issues to physical ailments, such as eczema, bedwetting, sleep issues, weight problems and diet, to behavioral problems – Synara has helped us work through them all!!
The Bowen treatment I received from Synara astounded me. Not only is it completely non-invasive, but the small simple movements work so well that with one session, I found myself walking in a completely different way. My whole body changed from my first session, and the effects on my golf swing were immediate, and very,…