What is Kinesiology

Kinesiology (Kin-easy-ology) Therapy is a new type of science-based healing & stress management system, originally developed by Doctors, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists in the 1970’s.

The combination of Western science and Eastern Medicine has developed a revolutionary type of healing, that uses gentle, non invasive muscle testing, to identify underlying causes of mental, emotional and physical imbalances, rather than focusing on the “symptoms”.

The Brain – like the intrinsic “motherboard” of the computer, is constantly sending and receiving “messages” from the muscles. It’s via this “two way street” that a Kinesiology Therapist can literally “communicate with it”, and provide what’s needed to facilitate integrated health and healing.

Individual Life Patterns

We are all programmed to keep safe, according to our genetic blue print, and what has worked for us personally in the past. Our unique “strategies” for doing life are based on our success in being liked, accepted or being able to get more of “what we want”.
This can lead to the suppression of emotions and the creation of sabotage and addictive life patterns

“Nice people don’t get angry”…..

For example, putting on a happy face, or not “saying anything”, may allow “nice people” to be seen as even tempered, self controlled – even reliable or mature.
When used frequently, the pattern may become so established (subconsciously) that a person may not be able to “say no” or stand up for what they need… more often than not however, it’s difficult to develop healthy strategies for meeting their own needs…

Clearing the Stress Stockpile

Stress, worry and anxiety… usually caused by negative thoughts about situations or people we can’t or choose not to change; all create acidity and negative energy in the body.
Kinesiology Therapy is a particularly efficient way of “individually prioritizing” our detoxing of our “inner stockpile”, while supporting and maximizing our potential for happiness and wellbeing.

Synara is a truly gifted, and intuitive Kinesiologist, and I don’t just feel, I know, that with her I am in completely safe and caring hands. Her ability to work on many levels, on any subject means that she can find exactly what you need, for whatever reason you need it. Emotional, physical or spiritual.

It’s like finding a magic key to unlock yourself with. You are the lock, and she is the key!

Annie, Italy