“Inspiring and Igniting Awareness, Compassion and Conscious Action in Others…..”

At this point in our evolution, it appears that, mental, emotional and physical pain is still necessary to push us towards change.

We all have a life “story” and unfortunately, some stories are more painful, traumatic and more difficult than others.
In short, the sooner we can identify and balance the changes we need to make, to the underlying “energy” of what challenges us, the sooner life will be easier, better and more fulfilling.

Many of my clients have continued to use the speed and accuracy of Kinesiology Therapy to enhance their Spiritual journey towards Self Mastery and Self Empowerment. Clearing negative energy makes the path to wherever we wish to go in this life, faster and easier. In essence, we are all striving to have more happiness or less pain; the more negativity we can clear, the easier it is to “walk our talk”

“Our concept of pain and misfortune reflects our level of misunderstanding…
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, The Master calls the Butterfly.” 

Richard Bach

A mark of spirituality is not what happens in someone’s life, it’s more about how they’re able to respond to it, and what they can create or attract in their lives as a result.

Our spirituality is an evolutionary process and, depending on individual belief, spans across many lifetimes.
If you would like me to assist you in your spiritual path at this time, please contact me via the email address below, and we can discuss where you’re at, where you’d like to be, and how to make your journey to self, easier and more enjoyable for you.

Dip Kin, Dip BT

Spiritual Life Coaching with Synara is a great way to start your healing journey.