Once upon a time, when I was a teenager, my father came home with a box of small white paper bags with all sorts of herbs in them.

He told me he’d been to the health food shop. The bags were full of herbs to help him, as he’d been diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.

He was in his early 40’s. In retrospect, I wonder if he just went to the Health food shop, as it was the only proactive thing he knew how to do?

Apart from dealing with the emotional side of the very real possibility of losing my Dad, it was a turning point for me. I was determined to be as healthy as I could possibly be.

I bought and borrowed books, anything I could get my hands on. At 17 I had a well worn juicer, and had begun experimenting with juice fasting and making amazing smoothies.

I used to share my latest “health creation” with my ever faithful dog at the time. Her questioning looks and sniffs at my latest “gift”, would be met by encouragement by me…..well, I wanted her to be healthy too!

My Dad was lucky, and was able to return to work after extensive surgery. Thankfully, my dear old Dad lived well into his 80’s.

My life didn’t exactly turn out as I’d planned though!

Despite my grand plans for ultimate health – by my early 30’s, I was a chronic sufferer of Bladder infections, Candida outbreaks (due to a reliance on antibiotics) and, after being exposed to toxic fumes at work, suffered chronic fatigue for a number of years.

My own healing took me to Kinesiology Therapy, where I realized that if I learned how to practice it professionally, I would be able to help many others to avoid suffering on so many levels.

After studying around 12 types of healing over 30 years, I would have to say that Kinesiology Therapy is the most tailor-made and honoring of them all. It’s the muscle testing that allows any modality that’s appropriate to be applied in the most effective way.

The reason being is that it enables the practitioner to ask the person’s neurology exactly what to do, how and when to do it, to maximize the “wholistic integration” and long term effectiveness of the treatment.

Bowen Therapy is another one of those seemingly magical modalities that works with the body and assists it to heal itself. Combined with Kinesiology it’s even more honoring and powerful and combines true integrative healing of the mental, emotional and the physical.

The same could be said for another of my passions – Energetic and Spiritual Healing. For me it’s the icing on the cake. It doesn’t matter if you believe in Angels, Past Lives, other dimensions, energy healing or not, at the end of the day, it works…. and my motto is “do whatever works”.

….and for the countless miracles I have seen and been a vessel for, I am eternally grateful.

I’ve learned that there are many roads to Rome, and the only way that true health and happiness can really happen is to look at the “all of us” and if we can do it quickly, easily and with a smile along the way, in my books that’s even better!

We’re more than just a body, or what we think, believe or feel. We’re the sum of all the parts. There’s always hope and there’s always choice – even when we don’t think there is!

Life can be a never-ending journey of delight and wonder, and I know we can have more of it for longer if we can be open-minded and get savvy soon enough!

Wishing you health and happiness,


I cannot recommend Synara enough. She is an outstanding practitioner of Kinesiology and the best Bowen therapist I’ve seen on the coast. Professional, kind and warm hearted, Synara has helped piece me back together more than once. With so many tools in her tool belt, I’m left wondering, is there anything she cannot do?

Stacey Tarleton