How Synara Works

As with all practitioners, there are variations,
so I thought I’d add this page into my website
to explain another side of “How I work”.

Essentially, I’m a Kinesiologist with a good dash of “sensitivity” or “intuition”, and I work
a great deal with Universal energy or

Thankfully, Quantum Physics, a branch of science that’s exploring our molecular world, is coming up with some very interesting information.

For those of you interested in finding out more, you may find Lynne McTaggart’s book, “The Field”, an interesting read. ISBN -13 978-0-00-714510-2

The Eastern cultures are generally more knowledgeable in the area of energy, within and surrounding each of us, and this has been a part of their traditional wisdom for thousands of years.

Thankfully, the West is catching up!

Ever since I was a young child I’ve had a strong sense of “intuition” and, over the years, have done extensive work to develop my energy body (generally known as the aura). I have the ability to magnify or be a “channel” for Universal healing energy (known as Prana or Chi).

This has enabled me to assist others via long distance sessions, as close as a kilometre or as far away as the other side of the world.

Surrogate Sessions
Although not widely discussed, as a Kinesiologist, it sometimes happens that a client will start to “surrogate” for another person.

This usually means that the client is connected to, or so concerned for the wellbeing of another, that their body is actually holding the “stress” of the other person.

When this happens, the person receiving the session has the option of clearing some stress for the other person or not. Amazingly, the other person receives the benefits or the changes!

This is particularly useful when working with children, as they get very bored and restless if asked to lie on a massage table for very long.

I do many consultations for children, via their mothers, often while the children are playing at a friend’s house, are at school or at home with a carer. I’ve even had mothers call me within the next 24 hours following a session, saying how “differently” their children were behaving, or how a physical symptom was diminishing rapidly.

One mothers’ child was suffering from a debilitating motion sickness problem, which was causing not only illness for the child, but a great deal of stress for her family.

After one “surrogate” session, her child’s life changed as the “mysterious” underlying cause revealed and addressed. After 3 sessions, the child no longer has the problem, and now leads a normal life.

Another benefit of parents surrogating for their children is that they see the world from the child’s perspective, and gain insights as to how they can create a more supportive harmonious home for the entire family.

I have my own theories of this wonderful Universe we live in, and how it all works, and I, personally, am looking forward to scientific research illuminating more of it in my lifetime.

Until then, my numerous clients, their friends and loved ones…. are just happy to receive the benefits of “whatever works”……… and it does!!!