With the intense and ever-growing exposure of technology (including 5G) and its unseen effects, I have been so grateful to have the support of these amazing Tesla plates.
I am comforted by the knowledge that, as my body is being bombarded by the myriad of unnatural or chaotic energies, the plates help to balance them into “Coherent” frequencies, which may benefit humans, plants, animals and the earth.
What is EMR and EMF?
EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) is a term used to describe invisible forms of man-made frequencies, transmitted through the atmosphere. Some common forms of EMR include TV and radio waves, microwaves, radar, x-rays etc.
EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) is a term used to describe the invisible electric and magnetic fields radiating away from man-made alternating electrical current. EMF radiate from all electrical appliances in the home, office or factory, in cars, trucks and buses, and overhead tram and train lines.
For more information
By ordering through me via email, I am able to individually test which would be the most appropriate products for you, as well as organising a discount from the advertised retail price.